
Have you explored how AI could unlock opportunities in your business?

The BoatyardX DiscoverX workshop is a collaborative, interactive experience where clients have the opportunity to explore product and technology concepts, experience working with the BoatyardX team and walk away with a clear understanding of how we can support your digital journey.

DiscoverX value delivered

Each DiscoverX workshop will be tailored to your specific needs so you will walk away with tangible assets and a clear understanding of how BoatyardX can support your product development journey.

1. Tangible outputs
Valuable assets and real insights.

2. Clear next steps
A set of tangible next steps or recommendations aligned to the vision state.

3. Trusted partner
Experience our collaborative approach, get to know the BoatyardX team and ways of working.

Doing more with less while keeping the lights on is a common theme we hear from our clients. AI is often hailed as a solution however it can be difficult to know where or how to begin or even if it’s the right solution at all.

We have adapted our DiscoverX workshops to enable clients to explore the topic of AI and identify high potential use cases which can then be explored in more depth.

Our guided collaborative approach follows the following format and promises to be an engaging experience for your team.

  • Education – Provide a high-level overview of AI and the underlying technologies.
  • Inspire – Explore some real-life use cases where AI has been applied and understand how AI is applied.
  • Explore – Identify business challenges being faced by the team and opportunities to leverage AI.
  • Qualify – Using a series of structured questions, refine the opportunities, identifying the available data, the types of technologies required, the benefits as well as potential risks or blockers.
  • Prioritise – Rank the opportunities based on value vs effort and identify high-potential use cases.

On completion of this workshop, you will walk away with a set of ranked AI opportunities and an understanding of how BoatyardX can help support you move forward into a more in-depth discovery and prototyping phase with confidence.

If you’d like to learn more, get in touch via 

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