A Weekend to Remember

Our Epic Team-Building Adventure!


Who knew that when we packed our bags and left the daily grind behind for a weekend, we’d come back not just with a few good stories but with memories that will have us laughing (and cringing) for years to come? Our team-building weekend was more than just a getaway; it was a chance to connect, unwind, and discover a few surprising facts about each other—like who’s got a talent for karaoke, and who’s just a little too good at playing Mafia (yes, we’re looking at you, sneaky colleagues!).

Friday: The Adventure Begins

The excitement kicked off bright and early on Friday morning, with three groups hitting the road from Iasi, Brasov and Cluj. After a few hours of bonding over road trip snacks, random Spotify playlists, and “are we there yet?” jokes, we finally arrived at Lobogo Resort, ready to relax and recharge.


We were thrilled to have Karolina and Rob join us all the way from Dublin, making the weekend extra special. Having them with us was a great reminder of how connected our team is, even when we’re miles apart.


Dinner was our first official team activity, and what a feast it was! As we gathered around the table, it became clear that this weekend was going to be all about good food, good company, and plenty of laughs. After dinner, we dove into a learning session with Karolina and Anca, who somehow managed to make even the most serious AI topics fun.


The night ended with drinks and more socialising, as we all got to know each other a little better outside the office. It’s amazing how a couple of beers can turn colleagues into comrades!

Saturday: Into the Wild and Spa-tacular Fun

Saturday started with a hearty breakfast to fuel up for the day’s big adventure—a hike through the scenic forests around Zetea village.


We laced up our boots and set off into the wilderness, but not before a quick safety briefing that included, “Oh, and keep an eye out for bear tracks.” No big deal, right? Well, we did spot some bear marks along the way, which made the hike even more thrilling (and a bit faster, if we’re being honest!).

The trail also led us to the bear hunting cabin of Ceausescu, the former communist president of Romania, who ruled about 25 years ago. It was like stepping back in time—though we were all quite happy to step back to Lobogo for lunch after our outdoor escapades.

The afternoon was all about relaxation and fun. Some of us hit the indoor spa for some much-needed pampering—saunas, jacuzzis, and pools galore—while others got their adrenaline pumping on the bobsled track. There were sports for the competitive souls and board games for those who prefer their challenges a little more strategic.

As the sun set, we gathered again for dinner, ready for a night of more fun and games. And oh, what a night it was! We learned a lot about each other during the Mafia game—like who we definitely wouldn’t want to be up against in a real-life strategy showdown. Let’s just say, some of you are way too good at being “mobsters”!


The evening rounded off with an impromptu karaoke session that went on till the wee hours. Whether you were belting out ‘80s hits or serenading the crowd with ballads, it was a blast seeing everyone let loose and show off their (ahem) vocal talents.

Sunday: Homeward Bound, But Not Without One Last Bite

After a weekend full of adventures, Sunday morning was a bit more subdued, but the energy was still high as we gathered for breakfast one last time. With full bellies and happy hearts, we packed up and began our journey home, already reminiscing about the weekend’s highlights.

Looking Back: The Best Team-Building Yet!

This team-building weekend wasn’t just about the activities or the location—it was about the people. We laughed together, faced challenges together, and maybe even discovered a new karaoke star or two among us. It was a reminder that while we might be a Tech company, our greatest asset is our incredible team.


Here’s to more adventures, more laughs, and maybe, just maybe, fewer bear encounters next time! Cheers to the team, and here’s to the next epic getaway!

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