
Terraforming Tomorrow’s Infrastructure


In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are continually seeking innovative solutions to manage their infrastructure efficiently – and for good reason.

Employee Spotlight – Robert Drysdale

Robert Drysdale

Introducing Rob Drysdale, the Director of Engineering at BoatyardX, whose role involves engaging with teams and customers worldwide, navigating the diverse landscape of technologies prevalent in today’s market.

Employee Spotlight – Paul Quinn

Introducing Paul Quinn, the Head of Technology Services at BoatyardX, where he oversees the operational side of the business, managing a team of platform engineers spread across Colombia and Romania

Zero to MVP Journey – Lessons Learned the Hard Way

Whether you are a startup or a large corporation, it’s likely you will face many of the same challenges in building the first version of a new product or application. We explore some of the critical success factors and lessons learned from supporting a broad range of clients in bringing new products to life.

Discovery Framework [ES]

Sticky notes stuck to a wall with a person pointing to one of them in a design workshop

Reduzca el riesgo en la construcción de su producto resolviendo preguntas de producto y tecnología anticipadamente.