Introducing Robert Drysdale, the Director of Engineering at BoatyardX, whose role involves engaging with teams and customers worldwide, navigating the diverse landscape of technologies prevalent in today's market. His dedication to overcoming challenges lies in simplifying complex technological frameworks and championing cloud infrastructure solutions. Rob's proudest moments stem from witnessing the tangible outcomes of collaborative efforts, from conceptualization to implementation, in bringing clients' visions to fruition.
What is your role at BoatyardX and what does a typical day look like for you?
I’m the Director of Engineering at BoatyardX. I try to start my day with walking our lovely pug, I find that gives me a boost and helps with focus. My typical day consists of lots of Teams calls with our teams and customers around the world. I usually try to carve out 50% of my time to focus on project work, which can be high level or hands on as needed. Conversations can be diverse, which represents the diversity of work we do and clients we support.
What challenges have you faced in your role and how have you overcome them?
The biggest challenge for me is the sheer breath of technologies customers use these days. I’ve overcome this in BoatyardX by focusing on the most popular languages and frameworks and introducing reference architectures that strive to deploy to cloud infrastructure in the easiest way possible.
What have been your proudest achievements while working at BoatyardX?
My proudest achievements have been seeing the outcome of a product builds, that we as a team, have taken from words in a client’s head, teased out the business requirements through a discovery phase, designed the look and feel and screens, and implemented it as a system. I never tire of seeing things come to light and the end result of our hard work.
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Now spread across 6 locations, Cluj, Iasi and Brasov (Romania), Bogota (Colombia), Dublin (Ireland) and Chicago (US), the BoatyardX team currently exceeds 120 people and continues to grow.
With customers in North and South America, Europe, Northern Africa and South-East Asia, the team spans the key working timezones. Expertise is enhanced across the teams through establishing technical competency groups led by experienced leaders, charged with ensuring best practice and efficient learning across all the organisation.